To those who know him well or have seen him often in performance, or even to those who have met him only briefly, in his art and in his life JOIE DE VIVRE! is what Jean-Yves is all about.
And his audience love him for it. Yes, Jean-Yves has a special affinity with his audience, the happy result of advice well-heeded. The advice came many years ago from one of his heroes, the legendary ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN, who very wisely told the young Jean-Yves to pay little attention to what the critics say but never, never forget the audience, for they are the ones who matter most of all.
Jean-Yves’ first memories of RUBINSTEIN date back to one evening when as a 5-year old he sat on the legendary pianist’s lap, backstage after attending a Rubinstein concert with his father.
Indeed, his seemingly flamboyant (but elegant) ways, his foray into jazz, and even the small gemstone he wears on one ear are a way of telling a younger audience, “I’m not too different from you, so maybe you’ll come back, listen some more… and perhaps get to like my kind of music?”
A FOOTNOTE: Oh yes, it may interest some to know that Jean-Yves is a broad-bandwidth kind of guy whose interests span across all the arts and - like many of his generation, he enjoys surfing the ‘Net.