Tuesday May 7, 2024 3:19 am


The High Notes of Patriotism

Driving four days across the western United States affords one little writing time but much thinking time. July fourth came and went during that drive. Now that I am settled in one place I can put fingers to the keyboard. I have some musings, albeit two weeks late. Four years ago on one of myContinue Reading

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My Mother’s Voice

Since Mother’s Day I have been reflecting on my singing career and motherhood. Prior to Sunday my memories where more of my late mother, who herself was born with a gorgeous operatic voice. I knew she sang some as an alto in church choir and the Mendelssohn Society in Philly. I remember sitting in churchContinue Reading

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Blood and Other Hazards of Opera

by SUSANNE MENTZER The other evening as I got out of my car here at my temporary quarters, I got a lot of weird looks from passersby. I just could not figure out what was so intriguing (“Take a picture it lasts longer!”). It had been a long day and my dog Charlie met meContinue Reading

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Define ‘Charity,’ Define ‘Humanity’

On his April 27 broadcast of “Real Time” on HBO, while challenging whether the Mormon Church is a charity, Bill Maher told viewers that donating to the arts also does not qualify as charitable giving. He brought up the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, and how people who give to it get taxContinue Reading

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Extending Our Senses

As one who deals in a primal form of expression — classical singing — my gut response is one of anti-technology, since the sheer wonder of classical singing is in creating a sound that will be heard in very large spaces without any technological enhancement. But as I watched Neil Harbisson I soon thought aboutContinue Reading

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With a Vision and a Little Elbow Grease

With a Vision and a Little Elbow Grease

There are many ways we artists can become advocates, whether it be for the arts or other causes. It is imperative to be more than just an advocate for one’s self. This essay is primarily addressed to young classical artists who are starting their adventures. However, even if you are not an artist, please readContinue Reading

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