~helping young artists reach their true artistic and humanitarian potential~
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Behrens Family at the MET
The Behrens family (Hildegard Behrens’ son Philip with his daughter Maria and son Tony) visit the MET. Photos show them with MET Artistic Administrator Jonathan Friend in front of Ms. Behrens’ portrait as Brünnhilde at the MET Gallery; with Mr. Friend, HBF Chairman Dr. Gaston Ormazabal and Advisory Board Members Ken Noda and Mary Gene Sondericker at the MET’s Grand Tier Promenade; and on the MET stage. The visit coincided with the 2015 HBF Award to Ying Fang of the MET’s Lindemann Young Artist Development Program.
- Photo credit: Jonathan Tichler, MET Press Office
Last photo shows the family seated beneath Dr. Ormazabal’s portrait of the incomparable soprano.
Mario Chang at a June 2014 Event at the Metropolitan Club
Photos show Guatemalan tenor Mario Chang (2013 HBF Award winner), soprano Mary Jane Lee and pianist Bryan Wagorn of the MET’s Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, Lindemann Program Executive Director Brian Zeger, Mario’s wife - Maria Jose Morales de Chang, Hildegard Behrens Foundation Chairman Dr. Gaston Ormazabal, philanthropists Michael Vranos, Richard Brounstein, Richard Strother and Tatiana Pouschine, mezzo-soprano Frederika Brillembourg and her son Gustavo Brillembourg.
Emalie Savoy at a Washington, DC event
At a private recital in January 2014 at the Georgetown, Washington DC home of YOA Board Chair Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg (shown above with Dr. Gaston Ormazabal)
Emalie Savoy at a New York City event
At an earlier Youth Orchestra of America (YOA) event hosted by YOA Board Chair Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg (shown above with Dr. Gaston Ormazabal) at the United Nations Plaza Penthouse of Dr William Haseltine in New York City